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The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do so for them. Lois McMaster Bujold


One of the saddest stories you'll ever hear::James Patrick Bulger,was murdered on February 12th 1993 aged just 36 months old,he lived in Liverpool & was taken from a shopping centre by two 10 year old boys & brutally tortured,his ordeal took place for over 4 hours,It was dark,it was cold(one of the coldest days of that year)he had paint thrown into his eyes,before he was finally battered with bricks, stones("as he kept getting back up"according to one of his killers) & finally a 22Lb metal bar!!& left on a railway line,stripped from the waist down(still alive at this time)but they left him there alone all the same!!.The story of James is a horrific one,he was alone,he was afraid,he died alone on that railway track,he was found two days later (Valentines Day)severed by a train,I have never forgotten him or his family,a beautiful little boy taken so horribly,James Bulger should never be forgotten & he certainly didn't deserve to die this way.For the story of James' final day go to the link below.It's not for the fainthearted,but it needs to be told,even this had to be censored !!My admiration goes to Denise & Ralph(James' Mom & Dad)who could not even see James before he was buried,They have carried this terrible burden with dignity through all these years,May God bless them & James till they all meet again.I read the book 'Every Mothers Nightmare'about James,What a little character he was,I was shocked at the cruelty those two 'thugs' inflicted on that baby & even more shocked at their punishment did not equal their henious crime on James,Infact the murder of James got them all the things they would never have had ,paid for by us!!I hope one day Karma will catch up with them,I hope they never know happiness.

Also remembered is James' sister Kirsty who was born sleeping before James was born,together angels forever xx

Donations for the 'RED BALLOON' project for 'JAMES BULGER HOUSE'fronted by Esther Rantzen & James mom, can be donated at this link.A lovely memorial to James.Please try & visit.

Please could everyone sign this petition?

Julies friend Ali has started a petition,Ali hopes the petition will get enough signatures for Michael Jackson to consider singing the song "Heal The World" in memory of James Bulger at one of his upcoming London, UK shows. Ali & Julie are also hoping it will bring attention to a very important cause in James's memory. The signatures collected will be sent to Michael Jackson's Production company, MJJ Productions before July 2009 when his tour begins. For those unfamiliar with the case, James Bulger was a 2 year old boy that was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by two 10 year old boys in Liverpool, England on February 12th 1993. According to James's mother Denise, his favorite song was "Heal The World" and James used to dance like Michael Jackson. In 2008 when James would have turned 18 years old, Denise helped start a campaign to open a Red Balloon Learner Centre in Liverpool for children so badly bullied they can no longer attend mainsteam school. The school is to be named James Bulger House. Please sign the petition in honour of James Bulger and his family. Ali would also like to mention that James's mother Denise will be attending one of Michael Jackson's concerts this summer so please help make this a reality! Thank you!

Les Mémoires Dèrnières

more will be added here shortly

Les Condoléances dèrnières
Love ya babe Never forgotten October 4, 2014
Never forgotten
Always remembered
Never thought  of as  a fussy baby boy
Always remembered as a bouncy bubbly baby boy
never ever got you mad
Allways  made you laugh and smile
Love ya babe 
Loved one Remember James October 4, 2014
Jumping, playing, dancing, giggling
Amazing at making you laugh
memories of him stay in are hearts
Everyone will never forget him
Smiled every day every time 
for James Never Forgotten October 4, 2014
Oh baby james may you rest in peace forever keep in mind that we will never ever forget for even a second, I hope your mum  knows you are resting peacefully in the arms of  Jesus R.I.P. James Patrick Bulger :( I walked up those golden stairs February 8, 2014
There is many people who went up the golden stairs to heaven with sad storys
But yours James is extra sad , it is extra bad
I like the story about you , the one were you had a happy 2 yrs of life with mummy and daddy
The one were you would be thrown in the air with a big smile on your face , then daddy would catch you
The one were daddy would push you around in your go cart and you would laught alot with glee
The one were you would tell mummy she smelled lovely when she sprayed deodrant .
The one were you would try and dance like Micheal Jackson , even if you got it wrong you would be happy 
The one were you would have great fun , when jumping on the trampoline
The one were you would run up to the window and yell at the helicopeters
The one were you would look at the pictures in a book , gigle , then read aloud the world
The one were you would yell taxi nanna when you wanted to have a ride in the car
The one were you spoke your first word mum at 4 months old , that was smart .

See , dont just think about his murder think about the happy 2 yrs off his life as a happy little boy .

nafi For a little boy September 6, 2013

Today I cried for a little boy

A boy that I never knew

But I’ve met him before

In the eyes of every little boy

I’ve ever knew

My tears fell fast

As I imploded inside

The anguish I felt

Nearly undid me

My heart died many times

Once revived, it perished again

This pattern continued, until I was spent

Drained and weak, I drifted about

Looking for shelter, a way out

only in that moment

When I had in me nothing left

Did God appear

And renewed my Strength

He said, this is what you are meant for

To feel as you do, embrace their pain

Gathering others in shelters, whilst you stand in the rain

Just as you’re giving up will be there

holding my umbrella to keep you sane.

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